Sunday, August 20, 2006
NASA Announces Dark Matter Discovery
Astronomers will announce how dark and normal matter have been forced apart in an extraordinarily energetic collision at 1 p.m. EDT Monday, Aug. 21.

Dark Matter,
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Hello kneemo
Nice blog! I wonder what we'll hear from NASA tonight? I'm busy preparing for a little talk on Wednesday at Macquarie Uni - about ribbon graphs.
You should use your real name on your profile, I think. Don't you agree?
Thanks for stopping by Kea. I had to make a blogger account to post on your blog, so "U-duality" is the result. I haven't put much thought into the general direction of the blog, but I'll likely tell my grad student buddies about it. Most of them are physicists who are interested in topological quantum computation and nanotechnology, i.e., they'd be interested in learning about ribbon diagrams. :)
Most of them are physicists who are interested in topological quantum computation and nanotechnology...
Cool! I see you have a link to the Microsoft guys, too. I met some of them earlier this year.
Which Microsoft guys did you get to meet? Did you get to meet Michael Freedman? He has a cool paper entitled Projective plane and planar quantum codes, where he uses cellulations of RP^2 to define single qubit topological quantum error correcting codes. RP^2 is nice because "anyons" (identified points) on such a surface naturally twist around each other, unlike the case of the torus. This is best seen by considering the constructions of RP^2 and the torus from a square.
Yeah, I met Mike. I think that paper is probably in an ever growing pile of stuff that I must look at...
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